Meditation is such a popular topic these days, but did you know it is also ancient and Biblical!?
In the Psalms, King David wrote, 'I meditate on your words day and night.'
Meditation, at its core, is a simple yet powerful practice. It involves focusing your thoughts and directing your concentration. And, it's a practice that anyone can engage in.
Meditating on scripture can be as simple as 4-20 minutes (or though feel free to make it longer) of intentional thought using a structure like SOAP to help you reflect and pray. SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. If you are familiar with the practice, it's like a condensed version of a Lectio.
Regardless of whether you are new to this or not, it has served me well as a way of helping me concentrate my thoughts and prayers in devotional time with the Lord, and it may help you, too.
Here is a quick guide to help you get started:
Scripture: 1-5 mins
Sit down in a quiet place, invite the Lord to speak to you as you settle yourself, being mindful of our ever- present Heavenly Father. Ask Him to quiet your heart and speak to you through His Holy Spirit. Plant your feet firmly on the ground, open your Bible, and read through your selected passage of scripture once very slowly. Breathe slowly while allowing yourself to linger over the words. Take your time with this process. Don't try to interpret the words; just read them and take them at face value.
Observation: 1-5 mins
Read the passage again, but this time, allow yourself to stick to a few words. Perhaps a few words will seem more important as you read. Trust the Holy Spirit to help you see deeper beyond the surface reading. What are you observing as you read? Pay attention to the words that stick out to you and take a moment to reflect on them further.
Application: 1-5 mins
Ask the Holy Spirit to help shape what you have observed in your reading into action. What have you observed that you need to put into practice? Is it a new line of thought? Is it something you need to do to live out the scripture? Is it something that you need to be mindful of throughout your day?
Prayer: 1-5 mins
Finally, turn what you have read and observed and what you need to apply and turn it into a prayer. Ask the Lord to help you enact what you have read. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you as you walk deeper with Him. Ask Him for the things upon your heart and for His help to be mindful of the time spent with in His presence.
You may wish to keep a journal as you reflect. It's amazing what God can begin to reveal during these times, and it's important to try to capture these moments, even with a little note reminding you of anything significant that you have read.
As you practice some simple meditation on scripture, may you know Him deeper, and may you walk closer to Jesus.
Much love,